Attention! Be careful! Company CoinVisa (Token CVS) has just stolen all CVS Tokens from all of its users!



  • I confirm! I have not received my cvs. All rules and principles for any swap were violated. There were no clear instructions for taking screenshots when filling out the form, there were no examples of such screenshots, the deadline for filling out the form was too short, the team did not pay attention to the balance of cvs.
    Before that, listing on the yoobtc exchange was announced. This exchange was submitted as official. The next day, delisting occurred. 2-3 days after delisting, we were informed about this.
    Those who managed to buy cvs on the official yoobtc exchange have now lost their money.

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    Ariffur Rahman

    My 2 coin is cvs and btz,what can i do sir?

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    This is very upsetting! I created the tokens for this person via Fiverr. They contacted me a few weeks ago asking me how to erase the token. I asked why but they never answered. I don't really keep up with the tokens I create so I had no idea this was going on. 

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  • Ariffur Rahman! Where are my 10980.2 CVS?
    If you are an honest person, give me back my legal CVS !!!
    I have 11,313.2 CVS erc-20s that I bought (Yoobtc + Saturn + other purchase methods). The purchase / sale of CVS erc-20 was not prohibited! Telegram admins on their behalf simply did not recommend selling or buying a token. The company officially announced the official listing and allowed it to make a purchase / sale on the Yoobtc exchange, creating an advertisement for a successful listing on all its information resources (after Swap, the company deleted all these ads. Prior to listing on Yoobtc, CVS was freely bought and sold on Saturn, not less than two weeks. Also, the token was not blocked and that made any private purchase / sale possible.
    I filled out the form (for Swap) within the deadlines set by the company.
    I opened the line of trust.
    But I only got 333 CVS stellar (equivalent to the airdrop reward).
    Where are my 10980.2 CVS stellar for which I paid my own funds (before the announcement of Swap)?
    My erc-20 CVS address is:
    My stellar address is:


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  • Hey, Ariffur Rahman! I don’t know if you know the essence of the question or not. Perhaps you know it and manage it. But your CoinVisa team tricked investors who bought CVS tokens before the swap announcement. The team did not complete this swap and investors lost their investments. Please note that TOP-90 HOLDERS ERC20 wallets did not receive their CVS as a result of swap. This is nothing more than the theft of personal funds from the wallets of their owners, by means of wiping out their money. Have the team complete this swap and pay CVS for the Stellar addresses that their owners specified when going through this swap in google forms. If the team destroyed these google forms, then the CoinVisa team is obliged to pay ETH (Ethereum) compensation for ERC20 wallets that are in the TOP-90 HOLDERS wallets, while you know the CVS price for the ICO, which the team can use to compensate.

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  • Hii ,

    Update news ,

    Hello Everyone,

    Now we are opening our new Swap distribution from ERC20 CVS to Stellar CVS tokens. And we are developing our new platform independent Coinvisa Muti Wallet app. And this will be supported for converting old ERC20 to Stellar CVS.

    We are to performing some bugs regarded some unwanted scams, airdropers, fake accounts, etc that will be occurred old ERC20 and trying to recover successfully in our next mobile application.

    So do not spread fake rumours. Here everyone are trying to getting recovered from this dangerous COVID-19.
    Again, after launching ICO SALE , you can easily pay for your old CVS ERC20 to Stellar CVS.
    You can easily use Stellar instead of ERC20.Also, we are requesting,
    please do not behave negatively always stay updated through transaction duration,
    We will definitely support for you help.
    We are always with you for your growth. And the most important, we need your support, we do not have any investor in our CoinVisa project .

    We have lack of funds for the successful project. So always be with us keep supported us and helping us.

    Your feedback is very important for us.

    - CoinVisa Team

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  • Hello, Expert Crypto News!
    Do you remember me? I was one of the largest investors, before the start of Swap, and my wallet address is Rank No. 8 Holders CVS erc-20. You refused to conduct Swap for me and said that it was forbidden to buy CVS on any exchange. I then proved the opposite to you, but you still refused me this Swap. I saved my evidence, because I always knew that they could turn out to be an atomic bomb against your project. If I would publish my evidence now, it would completely kill your project, cover all your groups in social networks and bring down the price to zero. But I will not do this, because I was hoping that you would someday come to your senses and return their legitimate CVS to investors. Now I see that you began to understand this and decided to continue this Swap. This is the right decision on your part. Perhaps this will help to return some investors and attract new investors to the project.
    I think there is no need to use any special wallets to complete this Swap. My details are indicated in the message that I posted here earlier (look up). The fact that I am the owner of the wallet Rank No. 8 Holders CVS erc-20, I can prove with any zero transaction (send you zero "0" ETH or zero "0" CVS erc-20 to the address that you can specify in your personal message (only specify an e-mail to contact you).
    The same can be for other investors, for whom she once refused to conduct Swap.
    I think this is a good way to resolve the issue, which will help save time and money, as well as reduce the time for returning investors to your project.

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